Tuesday 17 November 2015

November 17th 2015 Day 6

Social Studies 7H
     Today we reviewed the term Mercantilism and continued on to look at how each group of people involved in the economic system felt about it. We looked at the perspective of the First Nations, the English Colonists, the English Merchants and the King of England (at the time). Students were asked to express each groups perceptive by drawing an emoji showing how they felt about mercantilism in the box provided.
   Tomorrow we will be looking at what resources, come from the Home Countries and what is given  to the colonies.

Études Sociales 7F
     Today we reviewed the term Mercantilism and continued on to look at how each group of people involved in the economic system felt about it. We looked at the perspective of the First Nations, the English Colonists, the English Merchants and the King of England (at the time). Students were asked to express each groups perceptive by drawing an emoji showing how they felt about mercantilism in the box provided. We also looked at what resources come from the Home Counties and what resources the colonies sent out.

    Today we learned what strategies we can used to help up fully understand articles that we read. We worked in 2 different groups, our first set of groups read the strategies and became experts in each strategy. We then redivided into our second set of groups. These groups contained 1 expert from each of the 4 strategy groups. The experts then taught their strategy to their new groups.
  The 4 strategies we worked on today were Visualizing, Verifying your comprehension, Interpreting Photos and Summarizing and Organizing information.
   We will be using these 4 strategies through out this unit as we continue to read articles.
Reminder Grammar test on Verbs : Présent, Imparfait, Future Simple & Passé Composé Thursday November 19th 2015 

   Today we went through a list of clothing items and learnt their names in french. Students were then given their Fashion Project! They will be interview celebrities on the Red Carpet for the TV show ET Canada Francophone! They will be discussing the celebrities fashion choices as well as their own! This project will be due on December 4th 2015.  Students can either tap their interview before the due date or present in in class live!

Études Sociales 9F
    Today we worked on a few case studies. Students were asked to read a situation and decide weather or not the young offender should be given a extrajudicial measure or sanction. Students were then asked to make a judgment on the penalty that the offender should receive and to justify their reasoning. Most students were able to finish this in class, if they did not it is required that they finish it for homework and hand it in on Monday.

Études Sociales 7F
 In our last block together we looked at why the British decided to cross the Atlantic ocean and come to North America. We looked at reasons such as : economy, competition, better quality of life and the freedom of religion. We also looked at where exactly the 13 colonies where in comparison to New France.

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May 16th 2018 Day 4

PE 8EF ( Block 1) - Today we played indoor kickball Études Sociales 7D ( Block 3 &4) Students continued to work on their Jigsaw proj...