Wednesday 13 September 2017

September 13th 2017 Day 1

Tomorrow is the Conroy Classic!!!!! Dress According to the Weather for your run!!!

Études Sociales 7D ( Block 1 & 3)
- Today we wrote the short Formative Pop Quiz on the Map of Canada. We then started our first objective 7.1.3 - Compare  and contrast diverse social and economical structures within the societies of the Aboriginal, French and British peoples in pre-Confederation Canada. We started by working on a important vocabulary worksheet using our textbooks as well as the internet!

Homework: Students were asked to complete Vocab words Culture all the way to Source Primaire .

Social Studies 7B ( Block 2 & 8)
- Today we wrote the short Formative Pop Quiz on the Map of Canada. We then started our first objective 7.1.3 - Compare  and contrast diverse social and economical structures within the societies of the Aboriginal, French and British peoples in pre-Confederation Canada. We started by working on a important vocabulary worksheet using our textbooks as well as the internet!

Homework: Students were asked to complete Vocab words Culture all the way to Primary source image.

PE 8EF (Block 4 & 5)
- As it was raining we played a good game of Castle pool for the first period in the North Gym. During the second period, we played a game of Chaos and then a game of continuous kickball with the boys class.

Tourism 8
- Today we discussed reasons why people travel. We talked about reasons such as relaxing, adventure, education and business. Students were then given the opportunity to pretend that they had an unlimited budget but only 30 days to travel any where they would want. Some students went to the moon and then rented all of Europe for the month. Others were a bit more practical and planned 4 destinations with a specific plan for every day. Some students even went as far as to calculate how much their month vacation would cost in real life!

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May 16th 2018 Day 4

PE 8EF ( Block 1) - Today we played indoor kickball Études Sociales 7D ( Block 3 &4) Students continued to work on their Jigsaw proj...